Then Samuel took a stone and set it up between Misphah and Shen. He named it Ebenezar, saying , "Thus far the Lord has helped us." 1 Samuel 7:12

Monday, August 04, 2008

Didn't I Ask To Be Shot in the Foot

or maybe I asked to be slapped up side the head, Amanda?

When you see a teenager say a prayer for me, I've agreed to a 24-hour movie fest to end the summer.
A prize will be given to the child who watches the most movies.

And to think 2 summers ago we were participating in a reading challenge. Those were the days, when I chose the end of summer activities.

They've grown up and realized sitting quietly by themselves isn't nearly as fun as eating pizza, chips, soda, candy, fruit (I always have something healthy that has to be eatten) and staying up all night.
I often pondered this: am I training them to be party animals? Anyone know their parents?

I trust they're gonna be just fine.
But please say a pray or light a candle or whatever you do, do it for me please.

One more thing, the movie watching prize: I think it will be a book. What do you think?

PS this mainly to remind myself: One day soon I will write a post about the women who was a high school teacher of mine who really helped shape my parenting skills- she has no idea what an influence she was on my life, I still think of her today. Perhaps I will even send her a note. Be thinking, who has helped shape you in a particular area?


Superhero Mom said...

Hehehehe! Sounds like a blast! You are a cool Mom Michelle! I had a college professor that I believe was an influence to me in the parenting arena. I think of her often too! OH, PS. Book is a great prize!

Anonymous said...

So, I was sorry to hear about Vaughn's injury. However, I'd be lying if I didn't say that it is totally cool he will be running cross country. I hear these stories about great runners who for one reason or another started running in high school - usually not by first choice. They are all about 6' to 6'2" and naturally atheletic. So who knows? Maybe he'll dig it, or maybe he'll think it sucks. Either way, at least he's trying - I hate the saying "I'm so proud," but I am!

Check out this link for 5 different trail running shoes.,,s6-240-325-329-0-0-0-0-0,00.html

Once you settle on a type then check out local stores or the internet - I always find with good prices. If you are not sure on sizes go to a local store, try them on, then go online. I would recommend getting a half-size larger then comfortable because your feet swell when you run.

Let me know how it goes...


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