Then Samuel took a stone and set it up between Misphah and Shen. He named it Ebenezar, saying , "Thus far the Lord has helped us." 1 Samuel 7:12

Monday, August 31, 2009

Kitchen Is Open

When Vaughan was about 6 we lived on a farm in New Hampshire.
One day while he was exploring our barn he came up from around back near the old stone knee wall with a bottle in hand.
It was an old Seagram's 7 bottle.
We cleaned it up and found it to be a great bottle to display. We crammed a string of Christmas lights into the bottle, tied a bow around the neck and have displayed it in our kitchen window ever since.
Now that I am back to working full time from home I use it as a "Kitchen is open" sign. When I am in kitchen mode I plug it in and am reminded of the tasks at hand. When I am done the bottle shines so pretty on my sill that I almost hate to unplug it.
But I do.
Cause when you work from home it can be hard to recognize when a deal has been closed!
Happy kitchening!

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