Then Samuel took a stone and set it up between Misphah and Shen. He named it Ebenezar, saying , "Thus far the Lord has helped us." 1 Samuel 7:12

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Head Knowledge to Heart Knowledge

So it all started with a wet jack-in-the-box in Illana's room.
Then it spread to a wet package of diapers,
wet carpet,
soaked carpet padding,
next it moved into the bathroom.
Tile removed,
more tile removed,
the caulking came out and now there is talk of dry wall being removed.
I hate to hear that.

Especially since we recently, last week, spent our" extra" money on a fun getaway for Steve and I; and then this morning the car "Check Engine Soon" light came on. Oh and did I mention the emergency fund has already been spent on, well emergencies.

How thankful I am to be married to a carpenter.

As this evenings events began to unfold I began to pray.
Steve doesn't have a bunch of work lined up right now so my prayers were for financial provision. With all the extra kids we've had lots of money going out and not much coming in. While state aid and child support is suppose to happen, it hasn't.

My first prayers were also for the problem to be minor, for Steve to locate the source and for the rest of the family to be at peace.

Then began the small struggle in my head between worry and peace.

As I was talking to Vaughan we recalled that God has never allowed us to go without a vehicle and how blessed we are to have 2 bathrooms.

Christ says He will provide for us.
He is our peace.
The waves of this current situation can seem big and monstrous
they can be what they are:
just the right size.

This is what God has for us right now.
So who am I to worry?
Who am I to be frustrated or bummed?

No, I will be at peace.
I will trust Jesus.
I will allow the truth of Christ to travel from my head to my heart.


Allison Reynolds said...

My morning devotion this morning was about how God is able. And he is able to do things way bigger than we can imagine. Focus on how he is able(and knew this was already going to happen) and how he will provide for you!

Doris said...

Wow Michelle..awesome post and this I needed today :)

Missy said...



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