Sunday, December 31, 2006

Magic Kingom.. We Survived!
We just returned for a last minute trip family trip to Magic Kingdom, at Disneyworld, oh the joys of living in Florida (we get a discounted rate all over Orlando)! After 3 days of the park being closed due to reaching full capacity we braved a night in Orlando on Friday and a day, with 15, count them, 15 people at the Magic Kingdom on Saturday! Needlesss to say we had a blast! This was my 28th visit to the park, yes I'm one of "those" type of Disney fans and I encountered a first while there! It was the first time I got trampled while getting on the tram in the parking lot! It was pretty humorous actually and I survived without a scratch although the rest of the family was sure I had been swept up with the Haitiain family of equal size as ours- they were much better at overtaking the tram seats than we were.

Anyway we hit all the major rides, the mountains, roller coasters, greeted characters, ate and still made it out without taking out a second mortgage on the house or selling any children- and they are cute!

I've got to run to church but have been advised to ride down, oops write down my Magic Kingdom tips for all to see. After all even the Disney employees were impressed by the number of rides we took in, with litle wait time I may add, and my sister-in-law even commented on how relaxed and happy we all remained. Oh yeh here were the kids ages: 18 month, 4, 5, 10, 12, 13, and 15- add one set of grandparents and 3 moms- one pregnant and 3 dads- one looking pregnant to round out our group.

It's off to church but I'll write up my travel tips for younger and older Disney travellers. Have a wonderful day!

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