Then Samuel took a stone and set it up between Misphah and Shen. He named it Ebenezar, saying , "Thus far the Lord has helped us." 1 Samuel 7:12

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Ode to My Home School Group

Today has been a good day!
Having Steve home and around is nice. We're adjusting somewhat to our new schedule. Somewhat is the key word. We carved pumpkins with our home school group yesterday and it was a blast! Some of the kids and one of the moms, she's almost 50 yrs old, have NEVER carved pumpkins before!
After the kids were done we had our usual mom time to chat about girl things, home school things, public school options, life with teenagers, life with college-age (I'm taking notes) and just enjoying one another.
The kids did their usual, the youner ones headed inside to the Lego room, we hosted the pumpkin carving, and the other boys tested one another's manhood by wrestling and then off to play some football. Speaking of football our season is over- we went out with a sorry record of 1 win and 8 losses- but... we had a blast!
Meeting again with most of the home school group to trick-or-treat tonight.
What a great group of women and children. The home school groups I've belonged to have evolved over the years. When my children were younger we sought out extra curricular activites, park days, field trips and play dates. I always enjoyed a support group that met regularly to talk about and hear from other more experienced, or more vocal, home school moms. We participated in science fairs, arts fairs, public speaking, PE, art, you name it we did it! Then, as the boys got older, our groups changed to include their peers, and boys, they craved boys! It changed and evolved into what meets now: 5 familes, 17 kids, 13 boys and 3 girls!
I love my group of home schoolers. A very diverse bunch- so that gives me more to love about them. We vary in age, I happen to be closer in age to 3 of the families oldest children than I am to the moms; we vary in our home school why; we vary in our methods of instruction, in our schedules or lack of, our standings on public school, dating, television, we have lots of views that contrast one another, what we don't vary on is our love for God, for His Son Jesus Christ; we see eye-to-eye on the fact that our children are better off being taught by us, imperfect, busy, still-trying-to-figure-it-out moms! We've talked about and learned not to compare. When we compare our home school, our children, our academic scores, we always fall short or stand too prideful. We often remind each other about our call to home school, our why- our unique why.
Our call. It varies, just as our children vary, each is a unique gift from God, with a unique form of education. To put any of them in a box is, well putting God's creation in a box. Our group has children who excel in academics and other in athletics, still others in compassion and love; but each one is just in the right spot where God would have them. We remind encourage each other of that.
We share our ups and downs, our ins and outs. We pass along book report outlines and cool events going on in the area. We laugh, we cry, we sit silent (not very often on the silent thing) We encourage one another with our past experiences and we get each other.
I'm thankful for this group of women and have only one question- why in the world do they hang with me??


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