Then Samuel took a stone and set it up between Misphah and Shen. He named it Ebenezar, saying , "Thus far the Lord has helped us." 1 Samuel 7:12

Saturday, April 07, 2007

$49.50 and a Bunch of Memories

Early Bird made $49.50 yesterday. I just about cried.
He's started a lawn business and between his two yards, besides ours, and bagging some mulch for dad at the shop he finished his day with $49.50! Where has the time gone? It certainly has flown by. I still remember when he won a dollar at an easter Egg Hunt 11 years ago! He was so happy to have his own money that he got "All by mysef Momma!"

As I tucked my little man into his bed last night, we reminisced back to when he was a toddler. When he was two he'd climb up onto high things and say "Watch this Bubba" and jump off. He'd jump from the sofa, the kitchen table, the equipment at the playground and one time right into the deep end of the pool! We moved so much in his first 5 years and each time we'd move his dresser we'd find snack wrappers stuffed in places we didn't know existed. Then there was his famous "I smell sumfin?" He'd stick his little nose right into my mouth and sniff. "I smell sumfin momma and I fink it's chocolate"- oh this is my son, always on the lookout for chocolate.

He was and still is the greatest big brother we could ask for. I recalled the day I peaked outside of the shower and saw he had Night Owl pulled back like a sling shot in his Johnny Jump up, saying "Momma, momma watch what Bubby can do!" then proceeded to let him go. This was the day I knew I was in for a treat over these next years of having boys. Night Owl loved it and laughed and smiled the whole time, do you know the damage that could have been done. Extra guardian angels working overtime best describes those toddler years! My little man loved to place stuffed animals all around his little brother while in his swing, in his bed or anywhere! It was like ET, find the baby among the animals. Night Owl loved it! He laughed and smiled every time his big bubby came into the room. They had some good times together when they were young and now they've grown to more adventurous things.

Yesterday at lunch we were having a discussion and I mentioned how everyone puts their pants on the same, one leg at a time. They decided it would be fun if they did not put their pants on that way. Instead they decided it would be more adventurous if they put their pants on while begin shot out of a cannon- two legs at a time. They'd have the pants hanging somehow so when they were shot out of the cannon they would fly right into them. "Ouch, that may hurt" I said. That's when they instituted the we'd have to be shot into our cup first before our pants to help with the impact!

So as I watched my Early Bird mow his lawn, yes I had to drive him to his job and wait while he mowed, after all he may be growing up and becoming more independent but he still needs his momma now and then. As I watched him I could see my little man, 2 years old climbing onto my old blue sofa yelling "Watch this Bubba" and jumping off like he was on top of the highest point in southwest Oklahoma. As he started the trimmer I saw a little man riding his bike for the first time, helmet as big as him and a smile even larger! As he surveyed his job I choked up, where has my little man gone?

It's making more sense now, no matter how big they get, no matter how independent they become, I will always see them as my little men. They'll always be the little men who need mom to wipe their tears away, to help them tie their shoe or button their coat. I am enjoying these days but somehow those younger years will always be close to my heart. The snuggle days are few and far between and I look forward to the day when I will experience them all over again through my little men's families. Until then, we'll be eating everything we see, growing faster then the weeds in my front yard and cherishing each day God has given us together.



ChupieandJ'smama (Janeen) said...

Very sweet post! It does go fast and it's hard to believe that our children were once those little babies that needed us so (mine still are for the most part so I'm trying to enjoy every minute). They'll always be our little boys, no matter how big they get.

Amanda said...

I got a little teary reading this! I'm gonna go eat a cookie now.


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