Then Samuel took a stone and set it up between Misphah and Shen. He named it Ebenezar, saying , "Thus far the Lord has helped us." 1 Samuel 7:12

Friday, June 25, 2010

In This Hour

Do we ask for our suffering to go away?
Do we ask for troubles to avoid us?
Do we ask for life to be smooth sailing?
Yes, we can ask; but I say don't waste your breath.

"Now my heart is troubled, and what shall I say? Father save me from this hour? No, it was for this very reason I came to this hour. Father, glorify your name!" -Jesus

It is during these troubled hours that we become who we were meant to be, it is where we find ourselves. It is during these times that we can see and feel and touch this Jesus who saved us. It is during these dark hours that the light shines through, that refinement continues, hearts are changed and it is during these troubles that we can be refreshment to others.

It is what it is.
We are where we are.
Not saying therefore we should give up on changing or making better or obeying- no, I am saying that the hour in which you are in is exactly that: the hour in which you are in.
Live it.
Love it.
Learn from it.

Grow in it.
Seek God in it.
Relax, be still, move, dig in.

You are where you are because this is what God created you for- life on this green planet.
Life with troubled hours,
heart aching nights,
sore knees and rug burned faces.

So I cry out in this hour of mine "Father, glorify your name!"

Love to you all.

A side note to my family: I love you all and you have all been on my heart recently; from the islands of Alaska, the hills of Virginia and the mountains of Maine. We come from an amazing line of people. Christ-followers, hard workers, bold people who not only decided to etch their lives in New England when no one else was there but a people who loved and cherished family, friends, serving and giving. Perfect? No way- we are timeless mess, you all know the details of our messes, afterall we're family; but I just wanted those of you who read this to know I love you and I pray for a deeper stronger love for the ways of God in each of you, that you would see Jesus today and press on toward the goal. I look forward to one day in heaven when we're all gonna have a blast together!!! We are truly blessed! Love you family!

1 comment:

Dahlia said...

Hello, I am new to blogger and stumbled onto your page... Lucky me!

This was absolutely beautiful. I agree that every hour we live is the hour God has provided for us, and we must do so regardless of what is going on. Life truly is what we make of it. Thank you for this beautiful piece. Blessing!


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