Then Samuel took a stone and set it up between Misphah and Shen. He named it Ebenezar, saying , "Thus far the Lord has helped us." 1 Samuel 7:12

Monday, October 17, 2011

Angeles National Forest

Because if I don't write about it the trip will be years behind me and I'll do my best to recall it.
After getting Dani somewhat settled in to college we decided to explore the mountains behind her new home.
The tall palm trees were grand for palm trees and led the way to the entrance of the Angeles National Forest.

When you live in Florida, or any other flat state, for any amount of time mountains of any size are beautiful. I really don't have much to say about the drive through the mountains besides it was really pretty. On the way "in" we drove at the base of the mountains in the canyon, past damns and reservoirs; then on the way"out" we rode high on the mountains sides, climbing until we reached the ridge road.

The winding road in the canyon is the road we took "in" with the reservoirs on either side of the picture.

Here was our ride for the trip- a Dodge Charger- we LOVED it!!!

So that is the first taste of the outdoors we got in Southern California.


Superhero Mom said...

Such amazing pictures and fantastic memories! LOVE IT!

Anonymous said...

I really had the best time, with the best navigator/copilot/adventurer ever! Can't wait to hit half dome in a couple yrs. Maybe we'll sneek back down for a drive thru the angeles "for ol' times sake."-love svs

Allison Reynolds said...

Funny, I lived in LA for five years and I totally forgot about the mountains. How weird am I. And after living in Florida for so long, except for my years at college in Tennessee, I must admit that I love mountains more. Breathtaking!


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