Then Samuel took a stone and set it up between Misphah and Shen. He named it Ebenezar, saying , "Thus far the Lord has helped us." 1 Samuel 7:12

Thursday, September 12, 2013

How I Paint A Pallet Sign

Pallet signs are all over the place online but seem to be pretty scarce in the real world. I caught the bug about 18 months ago when I made my first pallet sign but didn't really pick up speed until this summer. 

Now I am on a quest to build and inventory to sell. 

But first, I thought I'd break down the method I use to paint my pallet signs.
Most of my signs are free hand so here is a peak behind my signs.

I begin with a blank pallet, scissors, paper, tape, paint brush and paint.
I either choose my pallet and then decide what to paint on it
I decide what I want to paint (or have been commissioned to paint) and have the pallet sign custom made.

I then use graph paper to cut strips of paper the same size as each pallet board, or if the artwork will cover multiple boards I make a paper "sign" the exact size of the pallet.

Next I lightly paint the design on the paper. This allows for spacing and any color or lettering changes.

Next I tape the template to the board and go ahead and paint the artwork on the pallet. 
Sometimes I need to go over the work with a second and even a third coat, painting on rough wood has lots of bumps and crevices along the way.

I repeat this until the sign is complete. 

Lastly, I sign and date my work.

As of now I have my oldest son cut down and put together the pallets and Steve installs the wall hangers, but those are my next tasks to learn to do myself.

That's it! Hope you enjoyed it.

peace, love and Jesus

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