Aubry turned one on Sunday. We had a small party with her closest friends :)
That would be her family and her babysitters.
We opted to skip out on church since she had been sick all week and had been up for a nice 3 hour party in the middle of the night anyway.
When she did wake up I dressed her in her pre-party outfit.
A cute little outfit that Illana let her borrow with a brand new hair piece I got her off of Etsy.
Aubry and I spent a chunk of time playing outside with the cats.
Here she is following one under the chair.
Oh! She caught one. Toby is our biggest cat and when he is ready for some lovin' he is willing to let her hug and tug on him.
Inside was a different story. I made two banners for her the week and day of the party. One read "Hugs & Kisses" and the other "b-day wishes"
She wore an ice cream dress and we made cupcakes in ice cream cones. She had both a golden butter cream cupcake and a chocolate one.
Here's the best shot I got of her in her special birthday dress.
It was a good time. Her bio-mom showed up and I thought it went well.
Only because of God's grace could I deal with the situation like I did.
A few of the guests, several actually, had a hard time seeing bio-mom with Aubry. They hurt for mom and the fact that she hadn't been a part of this precious ones life.
I felt indifferent.
Sometimes I wonder if something is wrong with me in that I think "it is what it is".
Life is what is happening and I find it best to just do the next thing. To accept the here, the way things are and move on. God has a perfect Kingdom calendar, a perfect plan for my life and when things happen out of my control I find it best to just accept it and step forward.
Now don't get me wrong, sometimes I freak and scream and pitch a fit, but never did I wake up and think my life would take the turns it has taken.
So when it came to the birthday party I did my best to include Aubry's bio-mom. For now the goal is reunification and I must do what I can on my part to cautiously make that transition the best for Aubry that it can be.
I love this little girl and I really don't want to let her go. She has a piece of my heart.
Who knows?
Who knows what tomorrow holds?
What is it for me to even speculate,
after all I'm ready for my Lord's return tonight.
Tomorrow may never come and when it does,
when tomorrow comes and I am gone,
I will be forgotten,
my life is like a flower in the field, the wind blows over it and it's place remembers it no more.
I do believe my Jesus footprint, however small, will carry on His love.
That's why I loved bio-mom yesterday.
That's why I do the next thing.
Hopefully it's the Jesus thing.
Following my Rabi,