Then Samuel took a stone and set it up between Misphah and Shen. He named it Ebenezar, saying , "Thus far the Lord has helped us." 1 Samuel 7:12

Friday, May 20, 2011


Just thought I'd drop a quick note with some pictures as to what's been going on lately.
I've been reminded that my family and my home are my priorities and my ministry, having teenagers in the house seems to require a different kind of focus on the home front than any other stage in life.
Some days it has taken all I have in me to love and be kind, I feel as though the enemy is touching up the paint that he has painted on my back and my rooftop; knowing that the battle is already won by the blood of Christ I press on doing my best to be joyful and kind and loving.

Now on with the pictures...
the Tuesday women's group I belong to has come to an end for the summer, here is a glimpse at what my living room has looked like on Tuesdays, this photo is missing Theresa :(
Justin had is final piano recital at school, we went out after to celebrate with ice cream! His girlfriend Inez was with us, so I think this is her official introduction on my blog, welcome Inez.
Vaughan passed the College placement test, actually has a different name now but the long and short of it is that he will start taking classes at the local college as well as the high school next year- so proud of you Vaughan.
Illana is growing, she is amazing. The combination of baby and teenager in the house is nice- her laughter, her screeches as she realizes she has a voice and her smile can turn any mood around and really just slow down my day when I take time to sit with her.
I mean how sweet is this?
So that is the news around this place lately.
We have several trips this summer, 6 out of state trips as a family combined!
One of which includes my trip to Alaska to visit my cousin!!!
I'll try to post more and if you're still reading then thanks :)


Allison Reynolds said...

Alaska...I am jealous!

American in Bath said...

Michelle! Where in Alaska? Do you want to pick up some boxes for me? Only kidding. Sorta.

Doris said...

Hi Michelle! I always enjoy reading updates on your beautiful the pictures and the words of inspiratoin..Sounds like a very busy summer for you guys :) Say hi to Sara Palin if you see her :) lol!


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