Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Summer 2011 To Do

Here's the start of my summer 2011 to do list...
1. Lighthouse

2. Busch Gardens - family vacation, first one in 5 years

3. Beach

4. visit Alaska

5. Beach

6. Pool

7. Detroit Mission Trip

8. Lots of Jeep rides with my Hottie


American in Bath said...

Do the visit Alaska one first. You're going to love it, and I'll be all envious because I want to go see Friends!

Superhero Mom said...

Ohh that inspires me to get my list going too!

Aleatha said...

yep, Lisa is right you have inspired me to get a list going too. :)

Allison Reynolds said...

You are way ahead of me...I am working on my winter/spring list. I only one more trip to make...hopefully the science museum. I will have to ponder the summer list...I think it will look a lot like this.
1. Beach
2. Pool
3. Beach
4. Pool


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