Tuesday, February 04, 2025

Embrace 2025 With Me

I'm feeling the affects of 50 plus years of life on my body, and it freaks me out.
I don't like it.

I spend the majority of 2024 on bedrest, either because I was recovering from surgery or because I was spiraling down to 104# in an over active thyroid kind of way; but I'm good now.

Seeing Dogman with my grandson
Good because I am working with my doctors to solve this mystery and move on past the medical issues I have battled since 2016; while it seems appropriate to list the bad news here, I just can't do it. I can't do it because once I start down a road of the negative it seems to lead downhill and next thing I know I'm in a downhill spiral toward bad food and time choices, depressed and in an overall funk.

So while the aches and pains of 50 show up and the recovery road back to health for me has been slower than I want, I am thankful. Thankful I have a community of people around me, speaking truth to me; I'm glad I have a faith in a God who is who He says He is and does what he says He will do, like always love me, be there for me and has good for me, even when I don't see it.

So here's to 2025, a year of life giving growth, pressing on through the hard and CHOOSING what thoughts I will think on, what mind patterns I will travel most and what people I will reach out to.

Here's to you learning to like yourself, to love yourself.
Here's to us embracing the changes that always take place and doing it with grace and friendship.
And here's to me, showing up here, sharing my story so you can be encouraged to dare to live fully in the wild of life.


Monday, January 13, 2025

Getting Real

As I sit here and look at my life and how God has brought me through so much. 
Just He and I. 
While the world burned all around me, there I sat; in the middle of my worst nightmare, with an uncanny peace, a calm deep down that finds warmth in the heat and joyful for a fresh start from the ground up.

So here I am almost 4 years later, the rebuilding has begun; it seems like we squatted as best we could in our home as I trained and retrained and then trained again, bouncing from dog jobs to sales jobs, to Walmart, weed trimming, housekeeping, waitressing, eventually landing a sweet bookkeeping gig.
Leaving me here, thankful and blessed with a Rock solid foundation and a deeper relationship with God.
I've been looking at these past years as a bit of a Wilderness Experience, but as I shed a layer of my past I look back with a different perspective, a knowledge of the truth of that Wilderness. The truth is this: it was and is a close, personal, intimate time with God, Jesus and Holy Spirit. So many times i found myself literally crying out to God, yelling, angry, happy, thankful, sad, joyful.... the whole thing, we went through it together.

Just He and I.

So now I press-on.
With a new thyroid issue and a hope of a miraculous healing, I press on toward a healthier lifestyle, even more time with the ones I love and a fresh desire and love for God, His Word and will for my life.


One another note, I am making progress on my book.
Life has thrown me a bunch and like many of you I was left to figure it out, start fresh and trust God.

Unsure of the name, have some ideas, but my heat is that this book would encourage women in their walk with God.

Loved by God, as are you, 

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

A Clean Sweep

This is not a travel post, it's just the intro and update. I have become a travel agent again.
I have been planning our family vacations since age 7 and helping friends and family travel for over 30 years and was a travel agent with World of Magic Travel from 2016-2021, so getting back in the industry has seemed natural.

This time around and Lord willing the last time, I am with an AMAZING agency called, Smart Moms Travel. I specialize in Disney, cruises and all-inclusive.

But that's not what this post is about.

This post is about a short disconnect I am going to have with social media. 
I enjoy using social media to build and online business. I'm getting ready to launch my travel agency, Michelle Spanos Travel Agent, LLC, and will use IG and FB to do so, I really enjoy connecting with clients and starting conversations about travel on social media.

This month I have been doing a 30-day Bible Reading Challenge. Once this challenge is complete, I will be wrapping up my social media time for 2024. 
I'll be logging off for social from Dec 1-31, 2024.

😁 Eeeeeeeeeekkkkkkkkk!!!!!!

I am excited to take this break.

I'm curious do you take social media breaks?
If so, how long? How often? What motivates it?
I'd love to hear so please do tell in the comments.

The last major break I took was in 2015, I took the entire year off. Looking back, it's kind of sad and kind of pleasing. Sad that I can't see that year and pleasing because I know I was enjoying the present.

This social media break is different. The motivation behind it is fueled not by social media negatively affecting me but a prompting from The Lord. 
I've been listening to a sermon on the parable of the women who lost the coin, she searched and search for it, sweeping the room to find what she had lost.
The speaker encouraged us to think of something we have lost and wish we could get back.
She had taken a poll and some of the answers were, innocence, virginity, joy....., whatever it is we have all lost something and sometimes just can't find it, but here's the deal- we can find it! 
In Jesus we can find it, we may not be able to actually get them back but with Jesus we can have purity, we can have joy, we ca be complete not lacking.
I want that.

The women swept the house; think about it, when looking for what was lost, you and me, we often need to do a clean sweep.

Talk about a clean sweep, I just got divorced after 27 years and 50 weeks.
For me, divorce was a clean sweep.
Everything in my life was swept away, my income/job, my husband, seeing my boys every day, getting to be home with my daughter, my ability to trust, my desire to see people, my self-esteem, my future dreams, so much was swept away, not one part of my life was left untouched. 
With all that swept away, I can now have clarity, I can find what God's Word says and have what I've lost, my joy, my happiness, my positivity, peace, back.

So, I'm looking forward to this clean sweep of a future I have, and I want to clean out the noise as well.
We live in a loud world.
Lots of voices and experiences bombard us every day and is why taking a social media break is so important.

So, join me.
Take a month off and why not December, it's a busy month anyway, why waste time on social media.

I'll still be blogging weekly, and I will be praying for you. Praying that your heart with be steadfast after Christ.


Saturday, November 16, 2024

It Was the 2nd Time I Found Meth on Him

I paced around the house while on the phone with the Sheriff's office.
I had requested a sheriff come out to my house, I did not feel safe and I did not trust myself.

That morning I had discovered meth on my husband and then 30 minutes later found him curled up like a child on our tenant's bed, while she rubbed his head, it was sickening. I had suspected the relationship, they denied it, now I knew I was right.
Should have listened to my gut.

Oh that intuition, it really speaks volumes and most often the truth.
It's funny how life is.
I think we go into it thinking we have a say in the outcome.
Somewhere along the line I was under the impression I would grow up, have a career, retire and become a snowbird and all will be happy, go lucky and well with no issues because I was a child of God.

I was very WRONG!!
Our family at Disney
while the ex was away getting his drugs.

It's not really anything we can predict or imagine, especially for women like me who after 20 something years of marriage find ourselves near age 50, single, empty-nesters or single moms and over the coming months and years discover the man we had been married to was not at all who we thought he was, who he said he was or who people thought he was.

However, I have to ask myself... did I really know?
Did you really know something was up?

I'm a Gen-Xer, sorry for those of you of a different generation, we won't hold it against you; actually, wait, we will hold it against you because as a Gen-Xer it is my duty to dislike anyone who isn't us, a feral group of kids who grew up unparented, latch key, outside on bikes, no cell phone, would travel miles into the woods and many of us found ourselves showing each other things we should just be keeping to ourselves, yeah that's us and we are a little bitter towards everyone else.

I say all of that to give a bite of a background on me. Those early years formed a thread of adventure, independence and a taste for the flesh fueled sins I came to cherish.

Back to my marriage falling apart at 27 years 50 weeks and the question of did I actually know? 

Well to start, hindsight is 20/20 for sure. Looking back I see the clues. My ex was a drug addict, what ended with meth, started with Darvon, a pain pill from the 90's he would steal from his dad. I thought nothing of it, didn't realize it was a drug (silly, I know) and didn't know when or how much he was doing it. After birthing my boys, he would take my pain meds and brag about he and his buddies drinking beer and snorting those pills, again, I didn't see the wrong, I actually didn't give it much mind, I was too busy being a mom and doing all the things.

I started to dislike him for his drug abuse around 2007/2008 when he would pass out anytime he sat down. At first I believed that he had been working a bunch, then I knew it was more than that. It's kind of sad to see the pictures of family events because I would always take a picture of him passed out. He always told me I was sick and crazy for taking those pictures and never once addressed the fact that we were at Disney world with the entire family and there he is slouched over on the sofa.

Same Disney trip, this time he
was passed out in the room
& won't get up to join us
exploring the resort
I say all of that to say I think something deep down told me this was not good and I should run; I stayed. I wanted to keep my family together, I believed God could and would change him, I was hanging on by a thread and dying inside but knew God hated divorce and I wanted so desperately to make it work, so I stayed. 27 years to be exact, actually 6 months before the cops came that day and he left for good, I had left, moved into a battered women's shelter to get peace and clarity. It worked, that time was the best 5.5 weeks of my life, more to come in another post.

Do I regret staying? no
How can I? In all the mess of my life God has been faithful, he has loved me when I was unlovable and He has extended lots of mercy and grace in my life and it has been during the challenging seasons that my faith has grown. It's in the trials that he can be highlighted against the darkness of the pain.

From teen mom to adoptive mom, 
stay at home schooling mom to single working mom, 
I've survived cancer twice and like you read my marriage fell apart after 27 years and I had to start at $0 and zero job at age 46.

What I have learned and know that I know that I know, is that trusting God and His way, is the only way to live this life. When we do that, trust God and believe His Word, then whatever we are facing, can be a sweet part of the journey with you and God.

Well, until next time and remember, Jesus loves you and so do I.



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