33oC was what we called our mid-week gathering for students.
33 weeks On Cool= 33oC.
Over this last school year we spent 33 weeks looking at what cool was in God's eyes.
Wednesday night Kev shared with the students the concept of "Ebenezer" or a pile of stones to remember something.
We gave each small group a 3 foot section of a 4x4 and had them make their own totem pole in remembrance of what they learned over these last 33 weeks.
Totem poles told a story, or tell a story, reading from the bottom to the top they tell the story of a family,
a tribe,
a journey.
(que to all who work with youth to break out into a Journey song, "don't stop believin' hold to that feeeelin'....")
It was neat to see what the different groups came up with.
Our small group used a sander to sand the edges smooth and then they wrapped yarn, chiseled a heart, painted a cross, attached a 33oC plaque, they each put their handprint on our totem and topped it off with a stick cross.
This is my small group from this last year, 2 girls are missing.
Love on another.
Put aside differences.
Cool doesn't try, it just is.
Jesus is our base.
Wanna have fun with students: give them loud music, a microphone and open space.
I promise it will be fun!
Working with students has made me more aware of my clothing style. Without being shallow I learn much about fashion on Wednesday nights, here's a glimpse at the difference in shoes.
Students come and students go. The dynamics of a room, a small group or a photo will always change.
33oC I will miss you (although secretly I won't miss the skit I had to be a part of) and I pray students will have learned more about being cool than what the magazines/television/internet/school tells them. I pray they stay connected to God over this summer and their totem story doesn't tank.
Now on to summer stuff, until next year...