1 Peter 5:7Wow, it's been since Christmas that I posted.
I gotta be honest it doesn't surprise me that I have been away.
See, I've been away from my computer.
No not because I've been on an exotic vacation in the Caribbean, although I wish that were the case, no I have been away because I've been relaxing and dealing with my family.
Relaxing in that my boys were gone to NH with my dad for 5 days! Yippee!!
Steve and I had 5 whole days to ourselves and get this we got to spend those days IN OUR OWN HOME!!!
Gotta be honest- it was a blast! I'll keep all the details to myself but trust me having no teenagers in the house is all the more reason to par-ty it on down!
And by party I mean watch movies, not grocery shop, eat out and clean once in 5 days!
I've also had plenty of opportunity to hang with Steve's sister and her family who are visiting from points north!
I think all holidays deal with the "dealing" of family.
Not that it's bad but it's not how I like my life the other 50 weeks of the year.
I had to deal with their insecurities
Deal with their difference in parenting.
Deal with their language choices.
Deal with their relationship issues, their spending issues, their disappointments in me.
I really don't mind all this dealing, afterall they too have to deal with me.
I wouldn't wish that on anyone.
The dealing that is most time consuming for me right now, and not leaving any time soon, is the dealing with teenagers.
I never realized the heartbreak, frustration and ugh feeling that comes along with raising kids; but there is something about having teenagers in the house that really baffles my mind and exemplifies all that is evil in parenting.
For instance, I have to be careful what I share on this blog that relates to my boys.
Not that they even read this blog, or anyone does for that matter, yet they will specifically ask me to "not share this" on my blog.
So it is somewhat restricting what I can write about.
The there's this thing called hormones.
It comes in late at night, arrives early in the afternoon and has even been know to greet us as we are eating breakfast.
Yes, hormones occasionally come into my home and posses one of my children.
For instance I am currently banned from hugging one of my children because I have said "no" to using my cell phone for texting. See, I had shared my phone then it slowly became me asking for my phone and I realized I had forgotten who was boss around here, so I grabbed that job back and said no to the phone sharing on. a. daily. basis.
Oh and did I mention I am not allowed to sing along to any of the songs one of my children likes. Well, I can sing but not any louder than the music and not so anyone else can hear. I also don't make good pancakes anymore and get bypassed for "good mornings" occasionally.
So in my dealing I have stepped back from the internet.
Not because it's bad but because I want to focus more on this place I am called to: MY HOME and MY FAMILY.
Of course I have thought often about hopin' on a plane and heading to the Caribbean, things are better there,
well, until I arrive.
Then i bring my junk.
But I'd like to go,
maybe never to return.
But, until then here I sit.
Standing my ground.
Happy New Year!
and whatever you're dealing with I encourage you to
cast it on Him who cares for you.
It helps me deal because in reality when it comes to dealing, I really don't have too!