We are blessed to have a loving family; sure we've been through our hard times but we have learned that above all, LOVE each other.
I only made it through 2 days of my homework so I'll go right ahead right now and say that I'm doing the other three days this week.
So if you're behind, or not even keeping up join me.
I will be going through workbook pages 59-66.
I know more of you wanted to join but couldn't and for others this format has not turned out to be your thing, I want to encourage you to be seeking God daily through some time in His word; memorize some scripture, read a Proverb a day but keep your eyes on His Word! Your holidays will be much more peaceful!!
Back to the study:
I can always use a refresher in loving my husband.
We've been married 16 years and it amazes me how I still have to chose to love him each day. Some days or even weeks it's harder to do, but I have found that when I make an effort things turn out alright. Just like our extended family Steve and I have been through some rough times, but we've learned that loving each other always works out. When I put him first somehow I love him more, so not only am I thankful for Steve this season but I am also desiring to love him more, to love him like Christ loves me. I wanna be "my man's #1 fan!"
For today:
Proverbs 12:4
A wife of noble character is her husband's crown,
but a disgraceful wife is like decay in his bones.
1 Corinthians 11:7
A man ought not to cover his head, since he is the image and glory of God; but the woman is the glory of man.
In the comment section below do the following:
1.) name
2.) read the above verses, Prov. 12:4 and 1 Cor. 11:7; What do these passages say about a woman's great value and blessing?
3.) click on this link and read Philippians 2:1-8 How does the example of Jesus Christ serve as a model for women?
Week 1 days 3-5, or 1-5 pages 53-66
book peps: continue reading the chapters on loving your husband
questions came from the workbook
See you next Monday!
1 comment:
It is the strangest thing, but my books never arrived. I will have to check out the credit card to see of I got charged. My sister-in-law is going to start coming over on Thursdays to do a Beth Moore videos study. So perhaps God had another plan. Life has continued to be an adjustment as I have been dealing with a sick child going on for the last 9 months, a big move, owning two houses, being back in Maine. I know God has a plan and I am to wait. (Picture me tapping my fingers). So, that is what is new with me. A great provision starts today. Matthew can only attend school part time and today the school will come and pick him up in a van rather than my taking him. Hurray for me. I am still with you in spirit even though I didn't have the chance to do the study.
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