We will start our tenth year of homeschooling this fall.
Did I tell you I'm not old enough to have been homeschoolng for 10 years?
Well I am.
Kind of?
Anyway, it's back to my fun time in planning; the scheduling!
I function well on a schedule, so do my kids, especially my active one!
Although I usually end up so far away from the schedule by years end that when summer comes, we're well inot summer mode.
I'm also in the process of deciding what curriculum to use.
I'm more of a lax-homeschooler, as in relaxed. I haven't always been, there was a day when I had it bought and planned and ready to go, then we found this way and right now- it works!
So here are some thoughts...
History. Using the 8th grade ABeka History DVD curriculum with Early Bird's bbf. Using this for both boys, grades 6 and 8. I think the 6th grader can do the 8th grade work no problem. Going with a Christian based program as I want History taught from a Christian perspective. Plus it come HIGHLY recommended, this teacher and this class.
Math? Still unsure if I want to leave Saxon for math? It's good stuff and works well for Early Bird. As for Night Owl- well he gets the old Saxon, we own it, and he learns from it just fine; actually he prefers textbooks right now. I have and love the D.I.V.E. CD's that go along with Saxon, but Night Owl doesn't care for them- so I'll teach 6th grade math.
Language Arts. Again, still stumped. For 6th grade I think I'll try P.A.C.E.. Night Owl did LifePacs last year and we survived- I think the P.A.C.E. books will work better for him, again he has asked for this type of schooling. As for Early Bird I'm thinking one of the Florida virtual schools. He likes the computer based classes; last year he did S.O.S. and it worked well. The self paced, "do it when I want" works well for him. He quickly learned: get up and get it down so you have time to work and have fun! Yes he works, a job, or two, and he likes it!
Science. Again last year the S.O.S. worked well, so maybe Florida virtual school- not sure because I want Science taught from a Christian perspective? It's also be nice to do this together. Maybe co-op this too? Lots of thoughts on this one?
Foreign Language. Rosetta Stone: Greek- both boys. They will also hopefully, Lord willing, be able to spend time with their Papou, Greek for grandfather, speaking with him in Greek. I've also asked Papou to only speak to the boys in Greek once they decide to learn the language, he agreed! Anyway, I've also suggested busing tables at the Greek restaurant in town. Night Owl said, "No way, I don't even like cleaning up my own dishes, no way am I doing someone elses."
Guess that's a "No!"
Bible. We are doing an inductive study of Jesus together- the three of us. I should have listed Bible first, save the best for last!
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the ramblings of my homeschool life!
I can't believe I will be starting my 10th year of homeschooling! Beside my marriage this is the longest thing I've ever done! Hip, Hip Horray!!
I really love my job!
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